Fraction, decimal and percentage games
Decimal games
- Decimal 4 in a row - Place decimal numbers on a numberline.
- Largest decimal - Read, compare and order decimal numbers.
- Largest digit - Play using decimal numbers to practise recognising the value of each digit.
- Multiply and divide by 10, 100, 1000 - Activity packs (set 1 and 2) to practise calculating with decimal numbers.
Fraction games
- Drop it! - Recognise and compare fractions of a set.
- Find the fraction - Find fractions of numbers.
- Fraction of a number 4 in a row - Find unit or non-unit fractions of numbers.
- Fraction pairs - Recognise equivalent fractions.
- Fraction reveal - Compare fractions.
- Simplify to win - Simplify fractions.
- The most wholes- Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers.
Percentage games
- Find the percentage - Find percentages of numbers (easily adjustable to increase the challenge).
Fraction and decimal games
- Fraction to decimal - Convert fractions to their decimal equivalents.
- Fraction to decimal 4 in a row - Choose fractions to convert to decimals on a numberline.
- Fraction/decimal equivalents 4 in a row - Convert between fractions and decimals on conventional 4 in a row boards.
- Mixed number/decimal equivalents - Convert between mixed numbers and decimals on conventional 4 in a row boards.
Fraction, decimal and percentage games
- Trios - Recognise equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.