Online Tutoring and Training
My tutoring

I am a qualified and experienced primary school teacher, having previously worked in primary education for over 20 years, as a supply teacher, class teacher, lead maths teacher for the county and finally as a support assistant. I now solely provide maths tuition for primary school/lower high school level of maths (up to Year 7). Contact:
Tutoring sessions can be provided either face to face at my home in Herefordshire, or online via zoom. Before the first session, we will discuss any particular concerns, needs and expectations. The first session will then focus on assessing the pupil's ability, to identify specific difficulties, gaps in knowledge, misconceptions and level of understanding. This will allow me to plan an appropriate program of learning, based on a Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach, incorporating a range of activities and games. Sessions are always tailored to the specific needs of each individual pupil and aim to increase enjoyment and confidence as well as ability!
- B.Ed (Hons) with QTS
- Level 5 Certificate in Dyscalculia and maths learning difficulties
- Level 2 Understanding Autism
- Annually updated enhanced DBS
- Professional indemnity insurance
- NSPCC safeguarding (updated every 2 years)
- I am an active associate member of the Dyscalculia Network
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