Stepping stones
A game for 2 or more players
This game provides counting practise, focused on the specific difficulties that a pupil may be experiencing (e.g. counting backwards, crossing the tens/hundreds boundaries, step counting in 2s etc). Manipulatives such as counters, base 10 (Dienes) or a Rekkenrek can be used for support as necessary.You will need:
How to play
Decide on how to count (back in 1s, on in 2s etc) and record an appropriate starting number in the left most circle for each player. Players take turns to roll the dice and fill in that many circles, counting in the manner agreed. The recording sheet can be used vertically to make it easier to see patterns in the number sequence. The first person to fill in the final circle wins.
Using the Stepping stones variation game sheet , record a different number in the left most circle of all 4 strips for each player. Take turns to roll the dice as usual. Players can choose which strip to fill in on their turn and must complete that strip before starting another. The first person to fill in all 4 strips wins.