Easter egg hunt 1
A game for 2 or more players
This game gives practise of using co-ordinates in the first quadrant. It is based on the popular game of Battleships.
You will need:
How to play
Each player chooses where to place their rabbits and eggs on their first grid, keeping this hidden from the other player. Each egg takes up 2 squares and each rabbit takes up 6 squares and both can be positioned either horizontally or vertically, but not diagonally.
Player 1 chooses a square by saying its co-ordinates or how many squares along, then how many squares up – the phrase ‘along the corridor then up the stairs’ is often used to remember to move horizontally first. Player 2 checks that square on their first grid and says either empty, egg or rabbit, according to what is in that position. Player 1 marks the same square on their second grid, with a cross if empty or an appropriate letter or symbol if it contains an egg or rabbit. When a player finds both squares covered by an egg, or all 6 squares covered by a rabbit, they may claim that piece from their opponent.
Players continue to take turns making guesses and recording the results until one player has found all of the rabbits and eggs.