Number bonds bingo

A game for 2 or more players

You will need:

To practice bonds for 10
  • A 10-sided dice or number cards from 0 to 9
  • Bingo board and counters or write down numbers from 1-10
  • To practice bonds for 20
  • A 20-sided dice or number cards from 1 to 20
  • Bingo board and counters or write down numbers from 0-19
  • To practice bonds for 100 in multiples of 10
  • A 10-sided dice showing multiples of 10 or number cards showing 0, 10, 20, 30 etc up to 90
  • Bingo board and counters or write down multiples of 10 from 10, 20, 30 etc up to 100
  • How to play

    Each person uses a bingo board or writes down 6 numbers relevant to the bonds being practised.
    One person rolls the dice or shuffles the number cards, places them in a face down pile and turns over the top card.
    Everyone works out what number is needed to be added to it the number shown to make the bond being practised and crosses off/covers that number if they have it.
    Repeat until someone wins by crossing off/covering 5 numbers.


    Instead of using number cards, use the subtraction cards included with each bingo board and cross off/cover the answer.