Using the diagnostic tools

Fixit Maths diagnostic tools contain carefully selected questions or activities which make it easy to identify and understand the reason for any mistakes.

Diagnostic sheets are accompanied by answer sheets, where appropriate, which highlight the specific points being tested in each question. When viewed online, the answer sheets provide direct links to more detailed information and resources, including customisable worksheets designed to provide focussed practice.

When used on a one-to-one basis with pupils, the questions on these sheets should be presented individually to reduce any stress and to allow misunderstandings to be immediately identified and addressed before moving on. Appropriate concrete resources should also be available for the pupil to use, to support and explain their working.

These sheets can also be administered to a whole group or class to identify and rectify any existing misconceptions before beginning work at a higher level. They can also be used after working at a new level to confirm that correct understanding has been attained. Where errors are numerous and don't seem to be linked to the specific points of understanding, using a lower level diagnostic sheet may be necessary to better understand any mistakes.