Largest number
A game for 2 or more players
This game gives practice of reading and comparing/ordering numbers, helping learners to understand the relative value of each digit in a number and the meaning of expressions such as 2-digit number or 2 decimal places. There are many possible variations, including playing with a place value grid , Dienes/base 10 or money.
You will need:
How to play
Each player records dashes on their paper (as if playing hangman) - 2 dashes if working with 2-digit numbers, 3 for 3-digit number etc. Players then take turns to roll the dice and decide in which position to record the number rolled, stating where they are recording the digit (in the ones or tens etc). The player with the largest number when all the dashes are filled wins the round and gains a point. First to an agreed number of points wins the game.