Using times tables cards
Phase 1
Step 1:
Place the cards with the answers face up and ask the pupil to arrange them in order, smallest to largest. Tell the pupil to begin a new row after they have placed the 7th card. This places the answers to two of the trickiest table facts (6x and 7x) at the end and beginning of rows which helps make them easier to recall.

Step 2:
Now ask the pupil to count in the multiples of 3 (answers to the 3 times table) shown as you point to each card in turn. Move from zero along the top then bottom row, then when you reach the last card, count backwards all the way to zero.
Step 3:
Turn over the first card and confirm that the fact is 0x3. Repeat this for the 2nd card (1x3) and the last card (12x3) ensuring that the pupil can recall this last answer confidently. Now repeat step 2, ensuring that attention is focussed on each card as the pupil counts through the multiples.
Step 4:
Point randomly to the table facts shown whilst reading out the facts (using the various terms times 3 , lots of 3 and multiplied by 3 ) to ensure that the pupil can recall the answers out of sequence.
Step 5:
If the pupil has already learnt another times table, turn over the associated fact card - if they have learnt their 10 times table, turn over 10x3 and remind them that this is the same as 3x10, for the 2 times table turn over 2x3 and remind them of 3x2 etc. You may turn over several cards according to the pupil’s confidence, each time reinforcing the link with the table fact previously learnt. Repeat step 2 as often as necessary to ensure the multiples can still be counted fluently, before repeating step 4.
Step 6:
Repeat step 5, initially turning over facts linked to known tables, then allowing the pupil to turn over answers that they think they can remember. Each time reinforce the fact for each answer, so when turning over 18 ask: How many lots of 3 is that? This will also help to reinforce the link with division. Continue to repeat step 6 until all the cards have been turned over and the pupil can confidently give the answer to any fact indicated.
Phase 2
Put the cards in a pile, multiplication facts face up. Read the fact for the pupil to answer. If they answer confidently and without hesitation, let them keep the card. Otherwise, replace it in the middle of the pile to be practised again. Repeat as much as necessary to achieve instant recall of all the facts. Return to phase 1 if further reinforcement is needed.