Using the division fact cards
Step 1:
Place the multiplication fact cards with the answers face up, smallest to largest, 7 cards on the top row and 6 on the bottom row.
Step 2:
Take a division fact card and place it above/below the corresponding multiple. eg. Place ‘ 36 ÷3=’ below the card showing 36 . Ask the pupil to recall how many 3s are in 36, then turn over the multiple 36 to show ‘ 12 x3=’ confirming the answer of 12 . Read the division fact as ‘36 divided by 3’ ensuring the pupil understands that this is the same as saying, ‘How many 3s are in 36?’
Step 3:
Continue to place the other division facts by the corresponding multiples, asking the division question and encouraging the pupil to use the position of the cards to recall any answers they are unsure of. Ensure the pupil realises that the answers are all between 0 and 12, and that this will be the same for the division answers in all of their tables.
Step 4:
Once all the division cards have been placed down, gather up the multiplication cards and put to one side. Now point randomly to the division facts shown, whilst reading them out, until the answers can be recalled confidently.
Step 5:
Put the cards in a pile, division facts face up. Read the fact for the pupil to answer. If they answer confidently and without hesitation, let them keep the card. Otherwise, replace it in the middle of the pile to be practised again. Repeat as much as necessary to achieve instant recall of all the facts.
Step 6:
Repeat step 5, but with all the multiplication and division fact cards shuffled together. This will give pupils experience of switching accurately and confidently between division and multiplication. Note that a common mistake is to confuse ‘3÷3’ with ‘3x3’ giving an answer of 3÷3=9 instead of 3÷3=1, so these facts may need more practice.