Shape vocabulary matching cards
These cards can be used in a range of activities and games. Print the word cards on different coloured card to the definition cards so they can be easily distinguished. For each activity, choose cards to use according to the vocabulary you wish to focus on.
Shape vocabulary matching cards
Shape vocabulary and definitions
reference list
Matching - Spread out the chosen word cards face up and put the definitions in a face down pile. Take the top definition and match it to the correct word. Continue until all the cards are matched.
Similar or different? - Pick three word cards. Can you think of a way in which they are connected? Can you think of a way in which they are different?
Sorting - Choose some cards and sort them into groups, then challenge someone to guess why you have sorted them that way.
Snap it! - Give each person 8 appropriate cards, then go for a walk, either indoors or outdoors, and take a photo to illustrate each of the words. The photos can then be printed out to use in matching and sorting activities.
Find it! - Spread the chosen word cards out face up next to a supply of small pieces of paper for drawing on. Give each player a definition card and place the rest in a pile, face down. Players must find the word card that matches their definition, then must locate an object in the room, or draw an image, to illustrate this word. They may then take another definition from the pile. The winner is the player who correctly illustrated the most words.
Heads up! - Each round, one player holds the pile of word cards against their forehead with the words facing towards the other players. Players must give clues to enable the card holder to guess the word on the card. When correct, remove the card to reveal the next word. The round ends after 1 minute and the remaining cards are passed to the next player. The winner is the player who correctly guesses the most cards.
Memory pairs - Lay out the chosen cards face down, then take turns to turn over a word card and a definition card. If they match, keep them. The winner is the player with the most cards at the end of the game.
Download these activities and games as a pdf .