Adding 4 or more digit numbers and decimals
The understanding tested is noted for each question, with a link to relevant support material. Always check the digits in the question have been copied correctly.
Mistakes with addition facts may be common.
1) 6,304 + 2,063 = 8,367
2) 3,065 + 24,902 = 27,967
3) 238 + 129 + 316 = 683
4) 3,672 + 5,284 = 8,956
5) 8,416 + 6,223 = 14,639
6) 54,879 + 9,408 = 64,287
7) 53.6 + 44.8 = 98.4
8) 23.29 + 65.4 = 88.69
9) 7.5 + 1.86 = 9.36
Carrying across the decimal point, aligning decimals, commutativity.
10) 6.703 + 300.8 = 307.503
Carrying across the decimal point, aligning decimals, calculating with zero, commutativity.
Understanding Tested
Question Numbers
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