Cross the teens

A game for 2 or more players

This game gives practice of decomposing a number and applying bonds for 10 to subtract from teen numbers.

You will need:

  • Playing cards - a 10 for each player, a pile of aces to fours (pile A) and a pile of fives to nines (pile B), both shuffled and placed face down.
  • How to play

    Each player has a 10 which they keep throughout the game. Players each draw a card from pile A and put it with their 10 to make a teen number. They then draw a card from pile B and subtract this from their teen number.

    The person with the highest answer keeps all the cards which were drawn that round.


  • For more jeopardy, after calculating, toss a coin (or highest/lowest counter) to determine which answer wins.
  • Instead of each player having a 10 card, take turns to decide on a multiple of 10 that everyone will use, and continue play in the same way. This allows understanding of subtracting across 10 to be applied to subtracting across any multiple of 10.
  • This game can also be extended to subtracting across a multiple of 100 by choosing a multiple of 100.
  • Follow me on Facebook or Instagram for other maths ideas, games and activities.