Dice games

Largest number (place value) - Reinforce understanding of place value

Largest product - Practise multiplying a number with 2 or more digits by a single digit

Largest remainder - Practise finding a remainder when dividing

Largest total / Largest difference - Practise mental/written methods for addition and/or subtraction

Number bonds bingo - Practise number bonds for 10, 20 or 100

Addition/subtraction facts

Addition within 20: take turns to roll two d10 and add the numbers rolled. The person with the largest total wins a point. First to an agreed number of points wins.

Subtraction within 10: roll two d10. Subtract the lower number from the higher. The largest answer (difference) wins a point.

Subtraction within 20: roll d20 and d10 and subtract the lower number from the higher. The largest answer (difference) wins a point.

Multiplication facts

Multiplication facts up to 10x10 (or 12x12): roll two d10 (or two d12) and multiply the numbers rolled together. The largest answer (product) wins a point.

Multiply 3 numbers together: roll three d10 and multiply the numbers rolled. Investigate whether it matters which numbers are multiplied together first?