Fraction to decimal

A game for 2 or more players

This game gives practice of converting fractions to decimals.

You will need:

  • Digit cards from 1-9, ideally a set for each player
  • Pen and paper
  • How to play

    Shuffle each set of digit cards and split it into 2 piles. Draw a short horizontal line and place one pile of cards above it (this will be the numerator) and the other below it (to be the denominator).

    Players turn over the top card on each of their piles to make a fraction. They then convert their fractions to decimals and the player with the largest decimal wins a point.

    The winner is the first person to gain 3 points.


  • After all players have revealed their cards, everyone predicts whose fraction will become the largest decimal. When the fractions have been converted to decimals and compared, each player who correctly predicted the largest decimal wins a point.
  • Instead of digit cards, use playing cards, aces up to 10, for each player.
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